11.11. xml: XML manipulation.

XML manipulation.

11.11.1. ReadXML

site ReadXML(String) :: XML

Parses a string representation of XML into a structured form that Orc can manipulate.

11.11.2. WriteXML

site WriteXML(XML) :: String

Serializes Orc's representation of XML to a string.

11.11.3. XMLElement

site XMLElement(String, {. .}, List[XML]) :: XML

Creates an XML element node with the given tag, attributes, and children. This site may also be used for matching.

11.11.4. XMLText

site XMLText(String) :: XML

Creates an XML text node with the given contents. Encoding may occur. This site may also be used for matching.

11.11.5. XMLCData

site XMLCData(String) :: XML

Creates an XML text node with the given contents. Contents will not be encoded. This site may also be used for matching.

11.11.6. IsXML

site IsXML(Top) :: XML

Acts as the identity function for any XML node, and halts silently for any non-XML argument.

11.11.7. xml

def xml(String, List[XML]) :: XML

Creates an XML element with the given tag and children, and no attributes. May also be used for matching. When matching, the second argument is a multimatch on each child, rather than a match on the list of children.


val xml =
  def toxml(String, List[Top]) :: XML
  def toxml(tag, children) =
    def liftChild(Top) :: XML
    def liftChild(x) = IsXML(x) ; XMLText("" + x)
    XMLElement(tag, {. .}, map(liftChild, children))
  def fromxml(XML) :: Top
  def fromxml(XMLElement(tag,attr,children)) =
    each(children) >c>
      ( c >XMLElement(_,_,_)> (tag,c)
      | c >XMLText(s)> (tag,s)
      | c >XMLCData(s)> (tag,s) )
  def fromxml(XMLText(s)) = s
  def fromxml(XMLCData(s)) = s
  {. apply = toxml, unapply = fromxml .}


11.11.8. xattr

def xattr(XML, {. .}) :: XML

Creates a copy of the XML element, adding new attributes as given by the record argument. If there is a conflict, the new attributes override the old ones. May also be used for matching.


val xattr =
  def toattr(XML, {. .}) :: XML
  def toattr(XMLElement(tag, attr, children), moreattr) =
    XMLElement(tag, attr + moreattr, children)

  def fromattr(XML) :: (XML, {. .})
  def fromattr(XMLElement(tag, attr, children)) =
    (XMLElement(tag, {. .}, children), attr)
  {. apply = toattr, unapply = fromattr .}