1.8. Algebraic Data Types

An Orc datatype is an algebraic data type, or "tagged union". A datatype value contains a sequence of values enclosed by a tag. This value can be matched by a pattern.

Datatypes are defined by a type declaration. Each constructor in the declaration introduces a new tag, followed by a sequence of slots. The | separator allows multiple constructors to be defined at the same time.

In an untyped program, slots are written as _. In a typed program, slots contain types.

1.8.1. Syntax

[32]DeclareDatatype::= type TypeVariable TypeParameters? = Constructor | | Constructor  
[33]Constructor::= Variable ( Slot , , Slot )  
[34]Slot::= Type_  

1.8.2. Constructors

Each constructor is a site, which takes one argument for each slot of the constructor, and publishes a datatype value consisting of the sequence of argument values, tagged with that constructor's unique tag.

Each constructor also has a corresponding unapply member, which takes a value with that constructor's tag, removes the tag, and publishes the sequence of values as a tuple. If its argument does not have the tag, it halts. Thus, constructors can be used in pattern matching.

1.8.3. Type

A datatype declaration defines a new sum type.

Each constructor defined by the datatype has the function type lambda [ X0 ,, Xn ]( T0 ,, Tn ) :: S, where Xi are the type parameters of the datatype, Ti are the types in the slots of the constructor, and S is the sum type.

Each constructor also has a corresponding unapply member, with type lambda [ X0 ,, Xn ](S) :: ( T0 ,, Tn ).

A datatype declaration may define a recursive type: the name of the type may be used in the definition of the type itself. In fact, this is the only way to declare a recursive type in Orc.

1.8.4. Examples

{- An enumeration, such as Java's enum, can be represented by a datatype
   whose constructors have no arguments. Note that an empty argument list,
   (), is still needed.
type objective = Primary() | Secondary() | Tertiary()

[Secondary(), Tertiary()]

[Secondary(), Tertiary()]
Geometric shape datatype
{- A Shape type with three data constructors -}
type Shape = Rectangle(_, _) | Circle (_)

def area(Rectangle(width,height)) = width * height
def area(Circle(radius)) = 3.1415926535897 * radius ** 2

area(Rectangle(2, 3)) | area(Circle(1))

Binary tree node
{- This is a binary tree datatype
   Leaf nodes carry integer values

type Node = LeafNode(Integer) | InnerNode(Node, Node)

{- Constructing a simple tree
   1 /\
    2  3

InnerNode(LeafNode(1), InnerNode(LeafNode(2), LeafNode(3)))
Polymorphic binary tree node
{- This is a binary tree datatype
   Leaf nodes carry values of type T

type Node[T] = LeafNode(T) | InnerNode(Node[T], Node[T])

{- Constructing a simple tree
   "A" /\
    "B"  "C"

InnerNode(LeafNode("A"), InnerNode(LeafNode("B"), LeafNode("C")))
Orc built-in Option type
{- A datatype for optional values of type T -}

type Option[T] = Some(T) | None()


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