5.4. List Pattern

Each element of a list pattern matches the corresponding element of a list value.

5.4.1. Syntax

[40]ListPattern::= [ Pattern , , Pattern ]  

5.4.2. Type

When a list pattern [ P0 ,, Pn ] is matched against a list type List[T], each Pi is matched against the type T, producing typing contexts Γi. The typing context produced by the whole match is the union of the contexts Γi.

5.4.3. Examples

Insertion Sort
{- Insertion Sort -}

def insert(x, []) = [x]
def insert(x, y:ys) = if (x <: y) then x:y:ys else y:insert(x,ys)

def sort([]) = []
def sort([x]) = [x]
def sort([x,y]) = if (x <: y) then [x,y] else [y,x]
def sort(x:xs) = insert(x, sort(xs))

sort([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])

[1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9]

5.4.4. Related Links

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