Orc User Guide v2.1.1

The University of Texas at Austin



License and Grant Information

1. An Introduction to Orc
1.1. Simple Expressions
1.2. Complex Expressions
1.3. Data Structures
1.4. Functions
2. Additional Features of Orc
2.1. First-Class Functions
2.2. The . notation
2.3. Records
2.4. Defining Sites in Orc
2.5. Datatypes
2.6. Importing Resources
2.7. Type Checking
3. Syntactic and Stylistic Conventions
3.1. Parallel combinator
3.2. Sequential combinator
3.3. Pruning combinator
3.4. Declarations
4. Programming Idioms
4.1. Channels
4.2. Lists
4.3. Streams
4.4. Mutable References
4.5. Tables
4.6. Loops
4.7. Parallel Matching
4.8. Fork-join
4.9. Sequential Fork-Join
4.10. Priority Poll
4.11. Parallel Or
4.12. Timeout
4.13. Priority
4.14. Metronome
4.15. Routing
4.16. Fold
5. Larger Examples
5.1. Dining Philosophers
5.2. Hygienic Dining Philosophers
5.3. Readers-Writers
5.4. Quicksort
5.5. Meeting Scheduler