2.3. Records

In addition to tuples and lists, the Orc language has a third native data structure, called a record.

A record expression is a comma-separated sequence of elements of the form k = E, enclosed by record braces {. and .}, where each k is an identifier called a key, and each E is an expression. Records may have any number of fields, including zero. Each expression is executed and its first published value is taken; the value of the whole record expression is a record containing a pairing of each key with its associated value. Order is irrelevant. If any of the expressions are silent, then the whole record expression is silent.


Elements of records are accessed using the dot (.) syntax described earlier. The expression r.k publishes the value paired with key k in record r. If k is not present in r, the expression is silent.

Suppose r = {. x = 0, y = 1 .}


Like tuples and lists, records can also be matched by a pattern. However, unlike other patterns, a record pattern does not need to name all of the keys in the record being matched; it only needs to match a subset.

Suppose r = {. x = 0, y = 1, z = 2 .}
