Uses of Interface

Packages that use ASTNode
orc Top-level package for all Orc code. 

Uses of ASTNode in orc

Methods in orc that return ASTNode
 ASTNode OrcCompiler.parse( sourceReader)
          Parse the Orc program text supplied by the reader into an Orc extended AST.

Methods in orc with parameters of type ASTNode
 Expression OrcCompiler.compileAstToOil(ASTNode astRoot)
          Translate an Orc extended AST into an OIL AST

Uses of ASTNode in orc.ast.extended.declaration

Classes in orc.ast.extended.declaration that implement ASTNode
 class ClassDeclaration
          Declaration of a class proxy.
 class Declaration
          A unit of syntax that encapsulates some declaration.
 class DefsDeclaration
          A group of defined expressions, together as a declaration.
 class IncludeDeclaration
          Group together a series of declarations which were included from the same file.
 class SiteDeclaration
          Declaration of a site.
 class ValDeclaration

Uses of ASTNode in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def

Classes in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def that implement ASTNode
 class DefMember
 class DefMemberClause
          A unit of syntax that encapsulates an expression definition.
 class DefMemberType
          A declaration of the form: def f[T,...,T](T,...,T)(T,...,T)...

Uses of ASTNode in orc.ast.extended.declaration.type

Classes in orc.ast.extended.declaration.type that implement ASTNode
 class DatatypeDeclaration
          Declaration of a variant type.
 class TypeAliasDeclaration
          Creating a new alias for an existing type.
 class TypeDeclaration
          Declaration of an external type.

Uses of ASTNode in orc.ast.extended.expression

Classes in orc.ast.extended.expression that implement ASTNode
 class AssertType
 class Call
 class Capsule
          Expression enclosing the body of a definition annotated with "capsule".
 class Catch
 class CatchHandler
 class ConsExpr
 class Declare
          A declaration together with its scope in the AST.
 class Dot
          A dot expression (e.g "C.put(4)").
 class Expression
          Base class for the extended abstract syntax tree.
 class Field
 class HasType
 class IfThenElse
          "if condition then consequent else alternative" desugars to "(if(c) >> consequent | if(~c) >> alternative) <c< condition"
 class Lambda
 class Let
 class ListExpr
 class Literal
 class Name
 class NilExpr
 class Otherwise
 class Parallel
 class Pruning
 class Sequential
 class Stop
 class Temporary
          A temporary variable, which embeds a Variable object from the simple AST within the extended AST.
 class Throw

Uses of ASTNode in orc.ast.extended.pattern

Classes in orc.ast.extended.pattern that implement ASTNode
 class AsPattern
 class CallPattern
 class ConsPattern
 class EqPattern
 class ListPattern
 class LiteralPattern
 class NilPattern
 class Pattern
          Base interface for the abstract syntax of patterns.
 class TuplePattern
 class TypedPattern
          A pattern with a type ascription.
 class VariablePattern
 class WildcardPattern

Uses of ASTNode in orc.ast.extended.visitor

Methods in orc.ast.extended.visitor with parameters of type ASTNode
 boolean Walker.enter(ASTNode node)
 void Walker.enterScope(ASTNode node)
 void Walker.leaveScope(ASTNode node)