Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression
orc.parser The Orc parser. 

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.extended.declaration

Fields in orc.ast.extended.declaration declared as Expression
 Expression ValDeclaration.e

Constructors in orc.ast.extended.declaration with parameters of type Expression
ValDeclaration(Pattern p, Expression e)

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def

Fields in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def declared as Expression
 Expression DefMemberClause.body
 Expression Clause.body

Constructors in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def with parameters of type Expression
Clause(java.util.List<Pattern> ps, Expression body)
DefMemberClause(java.lang.String name, java.util.List<java.util.List<Pattern>> formals, Expression body, Type resultType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> typeFormals, boolean strict)

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.extended.expression

Subclasses of Expression in orc.ast.extended.expression
 class AssertType
 class Call
 class Capsule
          Expression enclosing the body of a definition annotated with "capsule".
 class Catch
 class ConsExpr
 class Declare
          A declaration together with its scope in the AST.
 class Dot
          A dot expression (e.g "C.put(4)").
 class Field
 class HasType
 class IfThenElse
          "if condition then consequent else alternative" desugars to "(if(c) >> consequent | if(~c) >> alternative) <c< condition"
 class Lambda
 class Let
 class ListExpr
 class Literal
 class Name
 class NilExpr
 class Otherwise
 class Parallel
 class Pruning
 class Sequential
 class Stop
 class Temporary
          A temporary variable, which embeds a Variable object from the simple AST within the extended AST.
 class Throw

Fields in orc.ast.extended.expression declared as Expression
 Expression IfThenElse.alternative
 Expression Lambda.body
 Expression HasType.body
 Expression CatchHandler.body
 Expression Capsule.body
 Expression AssertType.body
 Expression Call.caller
 Expression IfThenElse.condition
 Expression IfThenElse.consequent
 Expression Declare.e
 Expression Throw.exception
 Expression ConsExpr.h
 Expression Sequential.left
 Expression Pruning.left
 Expression Parallel.left
 Expression Otherwise.left
 Expression Sequential.right
 Expression Pruning.right
 Expression Parallel.right
 Expression Otherwise.right
 Expression ConsExpr.t
 Expression Catch.tryBlock

Fields in orc.ast.extended.expression with type parameters of type Expression
 java.util.List<Expression> Let.args
 java.util.List<Expression> Call.args

Methods in orc.ast.extended.expression that return Expression
static Expression Expression.uncurry(java.util.List<java.util.List<Pattern>> ps, Expression body)
          Utility method to fold a group of pattern lists into a lambda.

Methods in orc.ast.extended.expression with parameters of type Expression
static Lambda Lambda.makeThunk(Expression body)
static Expression Expression.uncurry(java.util.List<java.util.List<Pattern>> ps, Expression body)
          Utility method to fold a group of pattern lists into a lambda.

Constructors in orc.ast.extended.expression with parameters of type Expression
AssertType(Expression body, Type type)
Call(Expression caller)
Call(Expression caller, Expression arg)
Call(Expression caller, java.util.List<Expression> args)
Call(Expression caller, java.util.List<Expression> args, java.util.List<Type> typeArgs)
Call(java.lang.String s, Expression arg)
Call(java.lang.String s, Expression left, Expression right)
Capsule(Expression body)
Catch(Expression tryBlock, java.util.List<CatchHandler> handlers)
CatchHandler(java.util.List<Pattern> formals, Expression body)
ConsExpr(Expression h, Expression t)
Declare(Declaration d, Expression e)
Dot(Expression target, java.lang.String field)
HasType(Expression body, Type type)
IfThenElse(Expression condition, Expression consequent)
IfThenElse(Expression condition, Expression consequent, Expression alternative)
Lambda(java.util.List<java.util.List<Pattern>> formals, Expression body, Type resultType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> typeFormals)
Let(Expression arg)
Otherwise(Expression left, Expression right)
Parallel(Expression left, Expression right)
Pruning(Expression left, Expression right)
Pruning(Expression left, Expression right, Pattern p)
Sequential(Expression left, Expression right)
Sequential(Expression left, Expression right, Pattern p)
Throw(Expression e)

Constructor parameters in orc.ast.extended.expression with type arguments of type Expression
Call(Expression caller, java.util.List<Expression> args)
Call(Expression caller, java.util.List<Expression> args, java.util.List<Type> typeArgs)
Call(java.lang.String s, java.util.List<Expression> args)
Let(java.util.List<Expression> args)
ListExpr(java.util.List<Expression> es)

Uses of Expression in orc.parser

Methods in orc.parser that return Expression
 Expression OrcParser.parseProgram()
          Parse the input as a complete program (declarations plus goal expression).