Class Throw

  extended by orc.ast.simple.expression.Expression
      extended by orc.ast.simple.expression.Throw

public class Throw
extends Expression

Constructor Summary
Throw(Expression exception)
Method Summary
 Expression convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
          Converts abstract syntax tree into a serializable form, used to generate portable .oil (Orc Intermediate Language) files.
 Expression subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
          Performs the substitution [a/x], replacing occurrences of the free variable x with the new argument a (which could be any argument, including another variable).
 Expression subst(Type T, FreeTypeVariable X)
          Performs the substitution [T/X], replacing occurrences of the free type variable X with the type T (which could be any type, including another variable).
 java.util.Set<Variable> vars()
          Find the set of all Variables (note: not FreeVariables) that are not bound within this expression.
Methods inherited from class orc.ast.simple.expression.Expression
convertAll, subMap, substAll, subvar, subvar
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Throw(Expression exception)
Method Detail


public Expression subst(Argument a,
                        FreeVariable x)
Description copied from class: Expression
Performs the substitution [a/x], replacing occurrences of the free variable x with the new argument a (which could be any argument, including another variable).

Specified by:
subst in class Expression
a - The replacing variable or value
x - The free variable whose occurrences will be replaced
A new copy of the expression with the substitution performed


public Expression subst(Type T,
                        FreeTypeVariable X)
Description copied from class: Expression
Performs the substitution [T/X], replacing occurrences of the free type variable X with the type T (which could be any type, including another variable).

Specified by:
subst in class Expression
T - The replacing type
X - The free type variable whose occurrences will be replaced
A new copy of the expression with the substitution performed


public java.util.Set<Variable> vars()
Description copied from class: Expression
Find the set of all Variables (note: not FreeVariables) that are not bound within this expression.

Specified by:
vars in class Expression


public Expression convert(Env<Variable> vars,
                          Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
                   throws CompilationException
Description copied from class: Expression
Converts abstract syntax tree into a serializable form, used to generate portable .oil (Orc Intermediate Language) files.

Specified by:
convert in class Expression
vars - The vars environment, used in content addressable mode to find the appropriate deBruijn index of a var.
typevars - The type vars environment, used in content addressable mode to find the appropriate deBruijn index of a type var.
A new node.