Uses of Class

Packages that use ExecutionException

Uses of ExecutionException in orc.error.runtime

Subclasses of ExecutionException in orc.error.runtime
 class ArgumentTypeMismatchException
 class ArityMismatchException
 class CapabilityException
 class InsufficientArgsException
 class JavaError
          A container for Java-level exceptions raised while processing a token.
 class JavaException
          A container for Java-level exceptions raised by code implementing sites.
 class MessageNotUnderstoodException
 class MethodTypeMismatchException
 class RuntimeTypeException
          Superclass of all runtime type exceptions, including arity mismatches, argument type mismatches, and attempts to call uncallable values.
 class SiteException
          Any exception occurring in a well-formed, well-typed site call.
 class StackLimitReachedError
 class TokenError
          A non-recoverable error at a token, which must result in halting the whole engine.
 class TokenException
          A localized failure at runtime.
 class TokenLimitReachedError
 class UncallableValueException
          Exception raised when an uncallable value occurs in call position.
 class UncaughtException