Quick Start to Developing the Orc Language Toolset

Install Prerequisites

  1. Java SE 1.8 or later.
  2. Eclipse 4.7. "Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers" (formerly called "Eclipse Standard") is sufficient, but any Eclipse package with the JDT can be used.
  3. Scala IDE for Eclipse, corresponding to Scala language version 2.12.3. Note that the Scala IDE for Eclipse works better with a modified eclipse.ini.
  4. A Git distribution that includes the git describe command. Most UNIX systems (including macOS with Xcode), Linux distributions, BSD variants, and other OSes include this as part of their base platform. A few OSes, notably Windows, require one to install a Git client.

Check out Orc

Use the method of your choice to check out https://github.com/orc-lang/orc and import it into Eclipse projects. Here is how to accomplish this using EGit:

  1. Launch Eclipse
  2. Go to File -> Import...
  3. Open Git, choose Projects from Git, and press Next >
  4. Choose Clone URI and click Next >
  5. Enter for the URL: https://github.com/orc-lang/orc, and press Next >.
  6. Press Next > on the Branch Selection page.
  7. Choose a destination folder for the Orc git repository, and press Next >.
  8. Press Next > on the Select a wizard... page.
  9. Finally, press Finish on the Import Projects page.

Running Orc Programs: Alternative 1

Install the Orc Eclipse plug-in. In the Orc Run Configuration settings, go to Alternative Orc Runtime Engine and add build/orc-*.jar and lib/*.jar in your OrcScala project to the class path. Note that adding the Scala library (as it is represented in the OrcScala class path) will not work.

Running Orc Programs: Alternative 2

  1. Within Eclipse, open the Orc program you wish to run.
  2. Go to Run -> Run Configurations...
  3. Right-click Scala Application and select New
  4. Fill out the Main form as follows:
    Main class
  5. Click the Arguments tab and fill out the form as follows:
    Program arguments
  6. Click Apply

You only have to perform the above steps once. Then whenever you want to run an Orc program:

  1. Select the program source file in Eclipse (you can open it or simply select it in the Package Explorer or Navigator).
  2. Go to Run -> Run ..., select Orc, and click Run (after doing this once, you can use the dropdown menu of the "run" icon in the toolbar as a shortcut).

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This research is supported in part by funding from the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Last updated 2017-10-04