The Orc source code and binaries are released under the BSD License.
Orc is available in different formats depending on what you will be doing with it:
- Casual users who are interested in playing with Orc.
- Eclipse users who want to develop Orc programs on their own machine in the Eclipse IDE.
- Command line users who want to run Orc programs from the command line.
- Developers who want to explore Orc's implementation.
Casual Users
Use our Try Orc! feature to experiment with Orc in your browser. We are currently working on extending the online job server to support user accounts so you can create long-running jobs; please contact us if you are interested in obtaining an account.
Eclipse Users
To use the Orc plug-in for Eclipse, you will need Eclipse and Java installed on your workstation. The "Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers" (formerly called "Eclipse Standard") is sufficient, but any Eclipse package with the JDT can be used.
Install the Orc plug-in for Eclipse

Drag this icon to your running Eclipse workspace, OR follow these steps:
- Open Eclipse
- Choose Eclipse Marketplace from the Help menu.
- In the window that appears, type Orc in the Find text box, and press the Go button.
- In the “Orc Eclipse Plug-in” entry, press the Install button.
- Click Confirm >, then agree to the terms of the license agreement, then click Finish.
- Allow the installation of unsigned content when prompted by clicking OK.
- When installation is finished and Eclipse asks to restart, click Yes.
- Confirm installation by choosing Window → Open Perspective → Other... If Orc is in the listing, the plugin has been successfully installed.
- (recommended) In Eclipse Preferences, expand the Install/Update category, and select Automatic Updates. Select the checkbox labeled “Automatically find new updates and notify me”.
Create and run an Orc program
- Open Eclipse
- Choose File → New → Other... → New Orc Project
- Name the project, click Next >, then click Finish.
- If prompted, allow Eclipse to open the Orc perspective.
- Right-click on the project folder, then choose New → New Orc File.
- In the window that appears, select the project folder as the parent folder, then type the desired name of the new file in the “File Name:” text box. Click Finish.
- For testing purposes, under the comments in the new file type “1 | 2” (without the quotes).
- Click the Run button (white arrow in green circle). If prompted, save the changes to the file. The console output should be the following:
1 2
- To run Orc programs in the future, simply click the Run button. Note the Orc program must be in the active editor or highlighted in the active navigator.
Command Line Users
Orc is also available as a standalone JAR which you can use to run programs on the command line.
Download the latest release from GitHub. For further assistance, please see the documentation.
Orc is developed in Eclipse. The developer's quick start describes how to check out and build the Orc Eclipse project from source and start running Orc programs.