Uses of Class

Packages that use FreeVariable

Uses of FreeVariable in orc.ast.extended.pattern

Fields in orc.ast.extended.pattern declared as FreeVariable
 FreeVariable VariablePattern.x
 FreeVariable EqPattern.x
 FreeVariable AsPattern.x

Methods in orc.ast.extended.pattern that return types with arguments of type FreeVariable
 java.util.Set<FreeVariable> PatternSimplifier.vars()

Methods in orc.ast.extended.pattern with parameters of type FreeVariable
 void PatternSimplifier.subst(Variable s, FreeVariable x)

Uses of FreeVariable in orc.ast.simple.argument

Methods in orc.ast.simple.argument with parameters of type FreeVariable
 int FreeVariable.compareTo(FreeVariable f)
 Argument Argument.subst(Argument newArg, FreeVariable oldArg)
static java.util.List<Argument> Argument.substAll(java.util.List<Argument> args, Argument a, FreeVariable x)
          Convenience method, to apply a substitution to a list of arguments.

Uses of FreeVariable in orc.ast.simple.expression

Methods in orc.ast.simple.expression with parameters of type FreeVariable
 Expression WithLocation.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Throw.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Stop.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Sequential Sequential.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Pruning.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Parallel.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Otherwise.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Let.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression HasType.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
abstract  Expression Expression.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
          Performs the substitution [a/x], replacing occurrences of the free variable x with the new argument a (which could be any argument, including another variable).
 Def Def.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression DeclareType.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression DeclareDefs.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Catch.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
 Expression Call.subst(Argument a, FreeVariable x)
static java.util.List<Def> Def.substAll(java.util.List<Def> defs, Argument a, FreeVariable x)
static java.util.List<Expression> Expression.substAll(java.util.List<Expression> es, Argument a, FreeVariable x)
          Convenience method, to apply a substitution to a list of expressions.
 Expression Expression.subvar(Variable v, FreeVariable x)
          Performs the substitution [v/x], replacing occurrences of the free variable x with the nameless variable v.

Method parameters in orc.ast.simple.expression with type arguments of type FreeVariable
 Expression Expression.subMap(java.util.Map<FreeVariable,? extends Argument> m)
          Perform a set of substitutions defined by a map.
 Def Def.subMap(java.util.Map<FreeVariable,? extends Argument> m)

Uses of FreeVariable in orc.error.compiletime

Constructors in orc.error.compiletime with parameters of type FreeVariable
NonlinearPatternException(FreeVariable x)