Uses of Class

Packages that use Variable

Uses of Variable in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def

Fields in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def declared as Variable
protected  Variable AggregateDef.var

Methods in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def that return Variable
 Variable AggregateDef.getVar()

Method parameters in orc.ast.extended.declaration.def with type arguments of type Variable
 Expression Clause.simplify(java.util.List<Variable> formals, Expression otherwise)
          Simplify a clause.

Uses of Variable in orc.ast.extended.expression

Fields in orc.ast.extended.expression declared as Variable
 Variable Temporary.v

Constructors in orc.ast.extended.expression with parameters of type Variable
Temporary(Variable v)

Uses of Variable in orc.ast.extended.pattern

Fields in orc.ast.extended.pattern declared as Variable
 Variable Attachment.v

Methods in orc.ast.extended.pattern with parameters of type Variable
 void PatternSimplifier.ascribe(Variable s, Type t)
 void PatternSimplifier.assign(Variable s, Expression e)
static Expression Pattern.caseof(Variable arg, Variable s, Expression succ, Expression fail)
          Constructs an optional case statement.
static Expression Pattern.lift(Variable x)
          Lifts a partial function to a total function, using the ; combinator to detect a refusal to respond, and publishing optional values instead of values.
 PatternSimplifier Pattern.process(Variable fragment)
          A different entry point for process, taking only a source variable.
 void WildcardPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void VariablePattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void TypedPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void TuplePattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
abstract  void Pattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
          Visit a pattern recursively, creating two products: An expression that will examine a value to determine whether it matches a pattern, building an output tuple of all value fragments which will be bound to variables.
 void NilPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void LiteralPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void ListPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void EqPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void ConsPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void CallPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void AsPattern.process(Variable fragment, PatternSimplifier visitor)
 void PatternSimplifier.require(Variable s)
 void PatternSimplifier.subst(Variable s, FreeVariable x)
 Expression u, Expression g)

Constructors in orc.ast.extended.pattern with parameters of type Variable
Attachment(Variable v, Expression e)

Uses of Variable in orc.ast.simple.argument

Method parameters in orc.ast.simple.argument with type arguments of type Variable
 void Variable.addFree(java.util.Set<Variable> freeset)
 void Argument.addFree(java.util.Set<Variable> freeset)
 Argument Variable.convert(Env<Variable> vars)
 Argument Site.convert(Env<Variable> vars)
 Argument FreeVariable.convert(Env<Variable> vars)
 Argument Field.convert(Env<Variable> vars)
 Argument Constant.convert(Env<Variable> vars)
abstract  Argument Argument.convert(Env<Variable> vars)
          Convert to DeBruijn index.
static java.util.List<Argument> Argument.convertAll(java.util.List<Argument> as, Env<Variable> vars)

Uses of Variable in orc.ast.simple.expression

Fields in orc.ast.simple.expression declared as Variable

Fields in orc.ast.simple.expression with type parameters of type Variable
 java.util.List<Variable> Def.formals

Methods in orc.ast.simple.expression that return types with arguments of type Variable
 java.util.Set<Variable> WithLocation.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Throw.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Stop.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Sequential.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Pruning.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Parallel.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Otherwise.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Let.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> HasType.vars()
abstract  java.util.Set<Variable> Expression.vars()
          Find the set of all Variables (note: not FreeVariables) that are not bound within this expression.
 java.util.Set<Variable> Def.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> DeclareType.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> DeclareDefs.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Catch.vars()
 java.util.Set<Variable> Call.vars()

Methods in orc.ast.simple.expression with parameters of type Variable
 Expression Expression.subvar(Variable v, FreeVariable x)
          Performs the substitution [v/x], replacing occurrences of the free variable x with the nameless variable v.

Method parameters in orc.ast.simple.expression with type arguments of type Variable
 Expression WithLocation.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Throw.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Stop.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Sequential.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Pruning.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Parallel.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Otherwise.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Let.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression HasType.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
abstract  Expression Expression.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
          Converts abstract syntax tree into a serializable form, used to generate portable .oil (Orc Intermediate Language) files.
 Def Def.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression DeclareType.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression DeclareDefs.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Catch.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Call.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
static java.util.List<Def> Def.convertAll(java.util.List<Def> ds, Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
          Convenience method, to apply convert to a list of defs.
static java.util.List<Expression> Expression.convertAll(java.util.List<Expression> es, Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
          Convenience method, to apply convert to a list of expressions.

Constructors in orc.ast.simple.expression with parameters of type Variable
Def(Variable name, java.util.List<Variable> formals, Expression body, java.util.List<TypeVariable> typeParams, java.util.List<Type> argTypes, Type resultType, SourceLocation location)
          Note that the constructor takes a bound Var as a name parameter.
Pruning(Expression left, Expression right, Variable v)
Sequential(Expression left, Expression right, Variable v)

Constructor parameters in orc.ast.simple.expression with type arguments of type Variable
Def(Variable name, java.util.List<Variable> formals, Expression body, java.util.List<TypeVariable> typeParams, java.util.List<Type> argTypes, Type resultType, SourceLocation location)
          Note that the constructor takes a bound Var as a name parameter.