Uses of Class

Packages that use Config
orc Top-level package for all Orc code. 
orc.ast.sites Compile-time representation of Orc sites. 
orc.ast.xml JAXB implementation classes for the Orc Intermediate Language XML binding. 
orc.parser The Orc parser. 
orc.runtime Runtime for Orc interpreter. 

Uses of Config in orc

Methods in orc that return Config
 Config Config.clone()

Methods in orc with parameters of type Config
static Expression Orc.compile(Config cfg)

Constructors in orc with parameters of type Config
OrcCompiler(Config config)
          Constructs an object of class OrcCompiler.
StdErrCompileMsgRecorder(Config config)
          Constructs an object of class StdErrCompileMsgRecorder.

Uses of Config in orc.ast.oil.expression.argument

Methods in orc.ast.oil.expression.argument with parameters of type Config
 Site Site.resolveSites(Config config)
 Site ResolvedSite.resolveSites(Config config)

Constructors in orc.ast.oil.expression.argument with parameters of type Config
ResolvedSite(Config config, Site site)

Uses of Config in orc.ast.oil.visitor

Methods in orc.ast.oil.visitor with parameters of type Config
static Expression SiteResolver.resolve(Expression expr, Config config)
          Call this to run the resolver on an expression.

Uses of Config in orc.ast.sites

Methods in orc.ast.sites with parameters of type Config
abstract  Site Site.instantiate(Config config)
 Site OrcSite.instantiate(Config config)
 Site JavaSite.instantiate(Config config)

Uses of Config in orc.ast.xml

Methods in orc.ast.xml with parameters of type Config
 Expression Oil.unmarshal(Config config)

Uses of Config in orc.ast.xml.expression

Methods in orc.ast.xml.expression with parameters of type Config
 Expression WithLocation.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Throw.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Stop.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Sequential.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Pruning.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Parallel.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Otherwise.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression HasType.unmarshal(Config config)
abstract  Expression Expression.unmarshal(Config config)
 Def Def.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression DeclareType.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression DeclareDefs.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Catch.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Call.unmarshal(Config config)

Uses of Config in orc.ast.xml.expression.argument

Methods in orc.ast.xml.expression.argument with parameters of type Config
 Argument Variable.unmarshal(Config config)
 Argument Site.unmarshal(Config config)
 Argument Field.unmarshal(Config config)
 Argument Constant.unmarshal(Config config)
abstract  Argument Argument.unmarshal(Config config)

Uses of Config in orc.gui

Fields in orc.gui declared as Config
protected  Config OrcGui.config

Methods in orc.gui with parameters of type Config
 void ConfigPanel.load(Config config)
          Call to load the fields from the model.
 void config)
          Call to save the fields to the model.

Constructors in orc.gui with parameters of type Config
OrcApp.PreferencesDialog(Config config)
OrcApp(Config config)
OrcGui.OpenDialog(Config config)
OrcGui(Config config)

Uses of Config in orc.parser

Constructors in orc.parser with parameters of type Config
OrcParser(Config config, reader)
OrcParser(Config config, reader, java.lang.String filename)
          If you know the filename, it can be used to improve parse error messages.
OrcParserRats(Config config, reader, java.lang.String filename)

Uses of Config in orc.runtime

Methods in orc.runtime that return Config
 Config OrcEngine.getConfig()

Constructors in orc.runtime with parameters of type Config
OrcEngine(Config config)

Uses of Config in orc.type

Fields in orc.type declared as Config
protected  Config TypingContext.config

Methods in orc.type with parameters of type Config
 Type Type.resolveSites(Config config)

Constructors in orc.type with parameters of type Config
TypingContext(Config config)
TypingContext(Env<Type> varContext, Env<Type> typeContext, Config config)
TypingContext(Env<Type> varContext, Env<Type> typeContext, Config config, InferenceContinuation ic)