Uses of Class

Packages that use Kilim.PausableCallable
orc.runtime Runtime for Orc interpreter. 

Uses of Kilim.PausableCallable in orc.runtime

Subclasses of Kilim.PausableCallable in orc.runtime
static class Kilim.Promise<V>
          Wrap a callable in a lazy, concurrency-safe promise.

Methods in orc.runtime with parameters of type Kilim.PausableCallable
static void Kilim.runPausable(Token caller, Kilim.PausableCallable<? extends java.lang.Object> thunk)
          Utility method to run a pausable computation which generates a value for a token.

Constructors in orc.runtime with parameters of type Kilim.PausableCallable
Kilim.Promise(Kilim.PausableCallable<V> thunk)