Uses of Class

Packages that use Value
orc.runtime Runtime for Orc interpreter. 
orc.runtime.sites Abstract base classes for Orc sites plus fundamental sites. 
orc.runtime.sites.core Fundamental sites. Wrappers which enable using Java objects and classes as Orc sites. 
orc.runtime.values Representations for Orc types which don't have direct analogues in the host language (Java). 

Uses of Value in orc.lib.bool

Subclasses of Value in orc.lib.bool
 class And
 class BoolBinopSite
 class Or

Uses of Value in orc.lib.comp

Subclasses of Value in orc.lib.comp
 class ComparisonSite
 class Greater
 class Greq
 class Leq
 class Less

Uses of Value in orc.lib.math

Subclasses of Value in orc.lib.math
 class Add
          NB: this is overloaded to operate on strings, with implicit toString coercion (just like Java).
 class Ceil
 class Div
 class Exponent
 class Floor
 class Mod
 class Mult
 class Sub
 class UMinus

Uses of Value in orc.lib.state

Subclasses of Value in orc.lib.state
 class BoundedBuffer
          A bounded buffer.
protected  class BoundedBuffer.BufferInstance
 class Buffer
protected  class Buffer.BufferInstance
 class Cell
          Write-once cell.
protected  class Cell.CellInstance
 class Counter
          Factory for counters.
 class Dictionary
 class Record
 class Ref
static class Ref.RefInstance
 class Semaphore
protected  class Semaphore.SemaphoreInstance
 class SyncChannel
          Implements the local site SyncChannel, which creates synchronous channels.
protected  class SyncChannel.SyncChannelInstance

Uses of Value in orc.lib.str

Subclasses of Value in orc.lib.str
 class Cat
          Note that you can also use the syntax "a" + "b" for string concatenation.
 class Print
          Print arguments, converted to strings, in sequence.
 class Println
          Print arguments, converted to strings, in sequence, each followed by newlines.
 class Read
          Read an Orc literal from a string.
 class Write
          Convert an Orc literal to a String.

Uses of Value in orc.lib.time

Subclasses of Value in orc.lib.time
 class Ltimer
          Site interface to the Orc engine's logical clock.
 class PopLtimer
 class PushLtimer
 class Rtimer
          Implements the RTimer site

Uses of Value in orc.lib.util

Subclasses of Value in orc.lib.util
 class Apply
          Apply a callable to a list of arguments.
 class JavaArray
 class Prompt
          A prompt dialog.
 class Random
 class ReadText
          Read an InputStreamReader into a String.
 class ThreadSite
          Wrap a site call in a (pooled) thread.
 class URandom
 class UUID
          Generate random UUIDs.

Uses of Value in orc.runtime

Methods in orc.runtime that return Value
 Value Args.valArg(int n)

Uses of Value in orc.runtime.sites

Subclasses of Value in orc.runtime.sites
 class DotSite
          Dot-accessible sites should extend this class and declare their Orc-available methods using DotSite.addMembers().
 class EvalSite
          Abstract class for sites with a total and immediate semantics: evaluate the arguments and return a value without blocking and without affecting the Orc engine.
 class KilimSite
          Use Kilim to run a site with lightweight threads and no direct access to tokens.
 class PartialSite
          Abstract class for sites with a partial and immediate semantics: evaluate as for a total immediate site (see EvalSite), but if the evaluation returns null, the site remains silent.
 class Site
          Base class for all sites
 class ThreadedPartialSite
          Abstract class for partial sites whose calls may block (the Java thread).
 class ThreadedSite
          Abstract class for sites whose calls may block (the Java thread).

Uses of Value in orc.runtime.sites.core

Subclasses of Value in orc.runtime.sites.core
 class Cons
          Implements the "cons" constructor site.
 class Datasite
 class Datatype
          For each string argument, creates a datatype constructor site; the string is used as a label for printing and debugging.
 class Equal
          Implement standard equality.
 class Error
 class If
 class Inequal
 class IsNone
 class IsSome
 class Let
          Implements the built-in "let" site
 class Nil
          Implements the empty list constructor.
 class None
          Implements the "none" option constructor site.
 class Not
 class SiteSite
          Implements the Site site.
 class Some
          Implements the "some" option constructor site.
 class Tag
 class TryCons
 class TryNil

Uses of Value in

Subclasses of Value in
 class ClassProxy
 class FieldProxy
 class MatchProxy
 class MethodProxy
          Allow a Java method to be used as an Orc site.
 class ObjectProxy
          A Java object being used as an Orc Site.
 class ThreadedObjectProxy
          Objects whose methods should always be called in new threads.

Uses of Value in orc.runtime.values

Subclasses of Value in orc.runtime.values
 class Closure
          Represents a standard closure: a function defined in an environment.
 class ConsValue<E>
 class Field
          Distinguished representation for field names.
 class ListValue<E>
          Common ancestor for ConsValue and NilValue.
 class NilValue<E>
 class TaggedValue
 class TupleValue
          A tuple value container

Methods in orc.runtime.values that return Value
static Value Value.signal()
          Static function to access the canonical 'unit' value; currently, the signal value is an empty tuple.

Methods in orc.runtime.values with parameters of type Value
 V Visitor.visit(Value value)