Uses of Class

Packages that use Expression
orc Top-level package for all Orc code. 
orc.ast.xml JAXB implementation classes for the Orc Intermediate Language XML binding. 
orc.runtime Runtime for Orc interpreter. 

Uses of Expression in orc

Methods in orc that return Expression
          Run the compiler, using the configuration supplied to the constructor.
static Expression Orc.compile(Config cfg)
 Expression OrcCompiler.compileAstToOil(ASTNode astRoot)
          Translate an Orc extended AST into an OIL AST
 Expression OrcCompiler.loadOil( oilReader)
          Read an OIL file into an OIL AST and resolve the sites.
protected  Expression OrcCompiler.refineOilAfterCompileBeforeSave(Expression oilAst)
          Subclass hook for modifying the OIL AST before it is saved to an OIL XML file and before the OIL AST is run.
protected  Expression OrcCompiler.refineOilAfterLoadSaveBeforeDag(Expression oilAst)
          Subclass hook for modifying the OIL AST after it is loaded from an OIL XML file (or generated from source code) and before the OIL AST is run.

Methods in orc with parameters of type Expression
protected  Expression OrcCompiler.refineOilAfterCompileBeforeSave(Expression oilAst)
          Subclass hook for modifying the OIL AST before it is saved to an OIL XML file and before the OIL AST is run.
protected  Expression OrcCompiler.refineOilAfterLoadSaveBeforeDag(Expression oilAst)
          Subclass hook for modifying the OIL AST after it is loaded from an OIL XML file (or generated from source code) and before the OIL AST is run.
 void OrcCompiler.saveOil(Expression oilAst, oilWriter)
          Write an OIL AST into an OIL file

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.oil.expression

Subclasses of Expression in orc.ast.oil.expression
 class Call
 class Catch
 class DeclareDefs
          A group of mutually recursive definitions, and the expression to which they are scoped.
 class DeclareType
          Bind a type in the given scope.
 class HasType
          An expression with an ascribed type.
 class Otherwise
 class Parallel
 class Pruning
 class Sequential
 class Stop
 class Throw
 class WithLocation
          Annotate an expression with a source location.

Fields in orc.ast.oil.expression declared as Expression
 Expression WithLocation.body
 Expression HasType.body
 Expression Def.body
 Expression DeclareType.body
 Expression DeclareDefs.body
 Expression Throw.exception
 Expression Sequential.left
 Expression Pruning.left
 Expression Parallel.left
 Expression Otherwise.left
 Expression Sequential.right
 Expression Pruning.right
 Expression Parallel.right
 Expression Otherwise.right
 Expression Catch.tryBlock

Method parameters in orc.ast.oil.expression with type arguments of type Expression
static Expression[] Expression.marshalAll(java.util.List<Expression> es)
          Convenience method, to marshal a list of expressions.

Constructors in orc.ast.oil.expression with parameters of type Expression
Catch(Def handler, Expression tryBlock)
DeclareDefs(java.util.List<Def> defs, Expression body)
DeclareType(Type type, Expression body)
Def(int arity, Expression body, int typeArity, java.util.List<Type> argTypes, Type resultType, SourceLocation location, java.lang.String name)
HasType(Expression body, Type type, boolean checkable)
Otherwise(Expression left, Expression right)
Parallel(Expression left, Expression right)
Pruning(Expression left, Expression right, java.lang.String name)
Sequential(Expression left, Expression right, java.lang.String name)
Throw(Expression e)
WithLocation(Expression expr, SourceLocation location)

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.oil.expression.argument

Subclasses of Expression in orc.ast.oil.expression.argument
 class Argument
 class Constant
 class Field
          Field access argument.
 class ResolvedSite
          A site which has been resolved and instantiated.
 class Site
          Sites, which occur in argument position.
 class Variable
          Bound variables, represented using deBruijn indices.

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.oil.visitor

Methods in orc.ast.oil.visitor that return Expression
static Expression SiteResolver.resolve(Expression expr, Config config)
          Call this to run the resolver on an expression.
 Expression Transformer.visit(Call expr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Catch catchExpr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Constant arg)
 Expression Transformer.visit(DeclareDefs expr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(DeclareType typeDecl)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Field arg)
 Expression Transformer.visit(HasType hasType)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Otherwise expr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Parallel expr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Pruning expr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Sequential expr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Site arg)
 Expression SiteResolver.visit(Site arg)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Stop expr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Throw throwExpr)
 Expression Transformer.visit(Variable arg)
 Expression Transformer.visit(WithLocation expr)

Methods in orc.ast.oil.visitor with parameters of type Expression
static void UnguardedRecursionChecker.check(Expression expr)
static void ExceptionsOnChecker.check(Expression expr)
static void RenameVariables.rename(Expression expr, RenameVariables.Renamer r)
static Expression SiteResolver.resolve(Expression expr, Config config)
          Call this to run the resolver on an expression.

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.simple.expression

Methods in orc.ast.simple.expression that return Expression
 Expression WithLocation.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Throw.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Stop.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Sequential.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Pruning.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Parallel.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Otherwise.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Let.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression HasType.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
abstract  Expression Expression.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
          Converts abstract syntax tree into a serializable form, used to generate portable .oil (Orc Intermediate Language) files.
 Expression DeclareType.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression DeclareDefs.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Catch.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
 Expression Call.convert(Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)

Methods in orc.ast.simple.expression that return types with arguments of type Expression
static java.util.List<Expression> Expression.convertAll(java.util.List<Expression> es, Env<Variable> vars, Env<TypeVariable> typevars)
          Convenience method, to apply convert to a list of expressions.

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.xml

Methods in orc.ast.xml that return Expression
 Expression Oil.unmarshal(Config config)

Constructors in orc.ast.xml with parameters of type Expression
Oil(Expression expression)

Uses of Expression in orc.ast.xml.expression

Methods in orc.ast.xml.expression that return Expression
 Expression WithLocation.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Throw.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Stop.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Sequential.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Pruning.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Parallel.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Otherwise.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression HasType.unmarshal(Config config)
abstract  Expression Expression.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression DeclareType.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression DeclareDefs.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Catch.unmarshal(Config config)
 Expression Call.unmarshal(Config config)

Uses of Expression in orc.runtime

Methods in orc.runtime that return Expression
 Expression Token.getNode()

Methods in orc.runtime with parameters of type Expression
 Token Token.move(Expression right)
          Move to a node node
 Token OrcEngine.newExecution(Expression ex, Token initiator)
          Create a new toplevel token hosted by this engine.
 void root)
          Run Orc given a root node.
 void OrcEngine.start(Expression root)