Uses of Class

Packages that use Token
orc.ast.oil Internal representation of OIL, the Orc Intermediate Language. 
orc.runtime Runtime for Orc interpreter. 
orc.runtime.regions Regions are used to track when some (sub-)computation terminates. 
orc.runtime.sites Abstract base classes for Orc sites plus fundamental sites. 
orc.runtime.sites.core Fundamental sites. Wrappers which enable using Java objects and classes as Orc sites. 
orc.runtime.values Representations for Orc types which don't have direct analogues in the host language (Java). 

Uses of Token in orc.ast.oil

Methods in orc.ast.oil with parameters of type Token
 void TokenContinuation.execute(Token t)

Uses of Token in orc.ast.oil.expression

Methods in orc.ast.oil.expression with parameters of type Token
 void WithLocation.enter(Token t)
 void Throw.enter(Token t)
 void Stop.enter(Token t)
 void Sequential.enter(Token t)
 void Pruning.enter(Token t)
 void Parallel.enter(Token t)
 void Otherwise.enter(Token t)
 void HasType.enter(Token t)
abstract  void Expression.enter(Token t)
 void DeclareType.enter(Token t)
 void DeclareDefs.enter(Token t)
 void Catch.enter(Token t)
 void Call.enter(Token t)
 void Expression.leave(Token t)

Uses of Token in orc.ast.oil.expression.argument

Methods in orc.ast.oil.expression.argument with parameters of type Token
 void Argument.enter(Token t)

Uses of Token in orc.lib.str

Methods in orc.lib.str with parameters of type Token
 void Println.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void Print.callSite(Args args, Token caller)

Uses of Token in orc.lib.time

Methods in orc.lib.time with parameters of type Token
 void Rtimer.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void PushLtimer.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void PopLtimer.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void Ltimer.callSite(Args args, Token caller)

Uses of Token in orc.lib.util

Methods in orc.lib.util with parameters of type Token
 void Apply.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void Apply.createCall(Token caller, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> args, TokenContinuation nextNode)

Uses of Token in orc.runtime

Methods in orc.runtime that return Token
 Token Token.bind(java.lang.Object f)
          Push a new future onto the environment stack
 Token Token.enterClosure(Closure closure, TokenContinuation publishContinuation)
          Enter a closure by moving to a new node and environment, and setting the continuation for leaveClosure().
 Token Token.fork()
          Fork a token.
 Token Token.fork(Group group, Region region)
          Fork a token with a specified group and region.
 Token Token.leaveClosure()
          Leave a closure by returning to the continuation set by enterClosure(Closure, TokenContinuation).
 Token Token.move(Expression right)
          Move to a node node
 Token OrcEngine.newExecution(Expression ex, Token initiator)
          Create a new toplevel token hosted by this engine.
 Token TokenPool.newToken()
          Create and return a new, uninitialized token.
 Token Token.setGroup(Group group)
 Token Token.setRegion(Region region)
          Migrate the token from one region to another.
 Token Token.setResult(java.lang.Object result)
 Token Token.unwind()
          Pop one value off of the environment stack.
 Token Token.unwind(int width)
          Pop values off of the environment stack.

Methods in orc.runtime with parameters of type Token
 void OrcEngine.activate(Token t)
          Activate a token by adding it to the queue of active tokens
 void TokenPool.freeToken(Token token)
          Free a token
 Token OrcEngine.newExecution(Expression ex, Token initiator)
          Create a new toplevel token hosted by this engine.
 void OrcEngine.resume(Token t)
          Activate a token by adding it to the queue of returning tokens
static void Kilim.runPausable(Token caller, Kilim.PausableCallable<? extends java.lang.Object> thunk)
          Utility method to run a pausable computation which generates a value for a token.
<V> void
Kilim.runThreaded(Token caller, java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> thunk)
          Spawn a thread to compute a value for a token.

Uses of Token in orc.runtime.regions

Methods in orc.runtime.regions with parameters of type Token
 void Region.add(Token t)
          Add an active token.
 void LogicalClock.addEvent(int delay, Token token)
          Schedule a token to resume at a future time.
 void Region.remove(Token closer)
          Remove an active token.

Method parameters in orc.runtime.regions with type arguments of type Token
 void Region.putContainedTokens(java.util.Set<Token> acc)

Constructors in orc.runtime.regions with parameters of type Token
SemiRegion(Region parent, Token t)

Uses of Token in orc.runtime.sites

Methods in orc.runtime.sites with parameters of type Token
 void ThreadedSite.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void ThreadedPartialSite.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
abstract  void Site.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
          Must be implemented by subclasses to implement the site behavior
 void PartialSite.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void KilimSite.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void EvalSite.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void DotSite.callSite(Args args, Token t)
 void Site.createCall(Token callToken, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> args, TokenContinuation publishContinuation)
          Invoked by a Call to invoke a site.
protected  void DotSite.defaultTo(Args args, Token token)

Uses of Token in orc.runtime.sites.core

Methods in orc.runtime.sites.core with parameters of type Token
 void TryNil.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void TryCons.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void Some.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void None.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void IsSome.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void IsNone.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void Error.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
protected  void Datasite.defaultTo(Args args, Token token)

Uses of Token in

Methods in with parameters of type Token
 void ThreadedObjectProxy.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void ObjectProxy.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void MethodProxy.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 void ClassProxy.callSite(Args args, Token caller)
 java.lang.reflect.Field ClassProxy.getField(Token token, java.lang.String name)
          Look up a field by name.
 java.lang.Object ClassProxy.getMember(Token token, java.lang.Object self, java.lang.String name)
          Get the value of an object member (method or field).
 MethodHandle ClassProxy.getMethod(Token token, java.lang.String methodName)
          Look up a method by name.

Uses of Token in orc.runtime.values

Methods in orc.runtime.values with parameters of type Token
 void Closure.createCall(Token t, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> args, TokenContinuation publishContinuation)
 void Callable.createCall(Token caller, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> args, TokenContinuation publishContinuation)
          Create a call to a callable value
protected  void TupleValue.defaultTo(Args args, Token token)
static java.lang.Object Value.forceArg(java.lang.Object f, Token t)
          Force a value (which may be a future) in argument position.
 java.lang.Object GroupCell.forceArg(Token t)
 java.lang.Object Future.forceArg(Token t)
 java.lang.Object Closure.forceArg(Token t)
static Callable Value.forceCall(java.lang.Object f, Token t)
          Force a value (which may be a future) in call position.
 Callable GroupCell.forceCall(Token t)
 Callable Future.forceCall(Token t)
 Callable Closure.forceCall(Token t)
 void GroupCell.setValue(Token token)
          This call defines the fundamental behavior of groups: When the value is bound, all subgroups are killed and all waiting tokens are activated.
 void NilValue.uncons(Token caller)
abstract  void ListValue.uncons(Token caller)
 void ListLike.uncons(Token caller)
          Return the head and tail of a cons-like data structure to a token, or die.
 void ConsValue.uncons(Token caller)
 void NilValue.unnil(Token caller)
abstract  void ListValue.unnil(Token caller)
 void ListLike.unnil(Token caller)
          Signal a token if this value is equivalent to nil, or die.
 void ConsValue.unnil(Token caller)
 void GroupCell.waitForValue(Token t)
          Add a token to the waiting queue of this group